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Toni has written many articles for publications, along with a vignette of her father and mother’s extensive military service. But dipping her toe in the pool of becoming a real writer, is an entirely different adventure for her.

“In 2018, I was the keynote speaker at a Ladies Christmas Banquet. After the event, and at the end of the line of ladies waiting to meet me, was a particularly patient soul. Sharing how she enjoyed my message, Cynthia asked if I had ever considered writing a book about my work with horses and veterans? I chuckled while telling her, God’s been poking me for years to do that, but I wouldn’t know where to start. She said - let’s talk.”

Toni is working on her debut book. Each story reveals how God uses horses to heal veterans, how He transforms struggles into strengths, and mistakes into unmistakable lessons. Each story encourages, inspires, challenges and changes lives, because God is her co-author. He takes the lead, He moves the mountains, He makes the miracles. 
Toni is represented by Cynthia Ruchti of Books & Such Literary Management.

Several Open Books
Image by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger
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